The jeshua channelings are a series of spiritual messages about the. Humanity is growing towards a heartbased consciousness, acknowledging the oneness of all that lives and letting go of fearbased ways of. In these channelings, jeshua presents himself as our brother and friend, who knows about the hardships of human existence and who wishes to lighten our burdens by sending us messages of love and hope. The jeshua channelings are a series of spiritual messages about the birthing of christ consciousness and the inner transformation from ego to heart. All books are in clear copy here, and all files are secure so dont worry about it. Home news channelings jeshua speaks on the current crisis. They have not only helped me to understand more about who i am, but more importantly, who the myriad of young people are, who continue to miraculously come into my life. The jeshua channelings by pamela kribbe, paperback. Thinking from love jeshua channelings spirit library.
Jeshua ben joseph is the original aramaic name for jesus, the personification of the christ energy on earth. These messages have been received from an inner connection with jeshua. I could feel the beauty and truth in the words page after. He prefers this name, as it better conveys his humanness and kinship with us. Pamela kribbe books list of books by author pamela kribbe. Humanity is growing towards a heartbased consciousness, acknowledging the oneness of all that lives and letting go of fearbased ways of thinking and living. You may be confronted with deepseated fears about your own worth and your ability to pursue your own path. Please click button to get the jeshua channelings book now. She asserts that his energy is still available to us, not so much as a fixed set of ideas or rules but as a pointer, showing us the way to the christ within. I am the one who has been among you and who you have come to know as jesus.
Kindle ebooks can be read on any device with the free kindle app. The jeshua channelings is available in book form also. I started to feel the energy of isis very soon after i came to egypt and was surprised by. Reviewed in the united kingdom on 4 september 2015. Pamela kribbe channels jeshua march 29, 2020 dear friends, dear brothers and sisters, i am jeshua, your friend, your brother. When they do, you can remember that you read it first on this page. Humanity is growing towards a heartbased consciousness, acknowledging the oneness of all that lives and letting go of fearbas. A beautifull collection of channelings written by pamela kribbe. Pamela kribbe has 18 books on goodreads with 463 ratings. It still is very difficult to be in charge politically and make decisions from the heart. Dutch born pamela kribbe is author of 5 books on jeshua. This site is like a library, you could find million book here by using search box in the widget. Manage your content and devices your music library your prime video your amazon drive your. The jeshua channelings messages inspired by the energy.
At the political level, world leaders often find themselves confronted with this issue. The jeshua channelings books pics download new books. Take a look at yourself jeshua channelings spirit library. The jeshua channelings by pamela kribbe is available in. Books by pamela kribbe author of the jeshua channelings. Jeshua s message how to deal with fear is a very profound teaching. It is a total crossover of mainstream science and the new age. Click download or read online button to get the jeshua channelings book now. Christ consciousness in a new era kindle edition by pamela kribbe. Jeshua, the personal christ 2 editions by jesus christ spirit, alan cohen, jeshua b. Listen to your favorite songs from the jeshua channelings messages inspired by the energy of christ part i. The atlantis heritage jeshua channelings spirit library.
The jeshua channelings are a series of spiritual messages about the transformation of consciousness in the present era. I started to feel the energy of isis very soon after i came to egypt and was surprised by the great sense of joy and freedom it gave to me. The channelings clearly addressed them on another level than the mind. I am not the jesus of your church tradition or the jesus of. My journey began in the dry lands by the western sea and it led me to hidden places in the mountains of the east. This site is like a library, use search box in the widget to get ebook that you want. Humanity is growing towards a heartbased consciousness, acknowledging the oneness of all that lives and letting go of fearbased ways of thinking. According to pamela, in these channelings, he presents himself as jeshua, a brother and friend to us rather than the deified authority that tradition made out of him. Thank you pamela for sharing your experience and knowledge. I started to feel the energy of isis very soon after i came to egypt and was surprised by the read more read more. I see the insecurity and the fear that you are experiencing in this crisis that affects the whole world. See all books authored by pamela kribbe, including the christ within, and heart centered living. It wont take long for this principle to be discovered by our scientists.
Christ consciousness in a new era by pamela kribbe isbn. Jeshua channelings on this website, we present spiritual messages about inner growth, the christ energy, lightworkers, the new earth, and the transition from ego based to heart based consciousness. When jeshua introduced himself to me, he immediately pointed out that. My personal story jeshua channelings spirit library. Joseph, judith coates go to the editions section to read or download ebooks. This book is full of stunningly beautiful messages for the soul whos on a spiritual journey. Surrender and control is a big issue within this process of spiritual awakening, both at the individual level and at the collective level. It is written for lightworkers who want to learn more about their identity and role on earth. The first channelling in 2010 marked the first time jeshua had asked to come through jayem publically for many years, and the festival, a beautiful annual gathering to facilitate the deepening and celebration of christ mind, remains the only occasion he is formally channelled by.
Messages inspired by christ consciousness kribbe, pamela on. A series of channelings of jeshua jesus through jayem, shared at the annual way of the heart festival in the uk. Surrender and control jeshua channelings spirit library. As you evolve into this new level of consciousness, a deep inner transformation takes place. Christ consciousness in a new era list view grid view. Pamela kribbes most popular book is the jeshua channelings. I am jeshua, son of maryam, son of joseph, and a son of god.
Special thanks to pamela kribbe for allowing me to share these beautiful lectures from jeshua ben joseph the jeshua ch. Messages inspired by christ consciousness, and more on. In these channelings, he presents himself as jeshua, a brother and friend to us rather than the deified authority that tradition made out of him. Kryon speaks of the source and attributes of basic cosmic energy. Pamelas channelings of jeshua in the book the jeshua channelings are a complete spiritual life teaching and i would recommend all to study this book. The jeshua channelings are a series of spiritual messages abo. Jeshua channelings the mother guide friday, march, 2020 mother mary channeled by pamela kribbe if you go back to the source, it is there you will discover the living water that moves, enlivens, and regenerates the soul, and this life is also who you are you give life and you receive it. However, daring to trust your heart often involves a leap into the unknown.
There are four messages from isis, two from jeshua and one from mary magdalene. Christusbewusstsein in einer neuen zeit eftedition, pamela kribbe isbn. The 9th of the 24 divisions of the aaronic priesthood as arranged by david was assigned to the house of jeshua. Stream adfree with amazon music unlimited on mobile, desktop, and tablet. The jeshua channelings download ebook pdf, epub, tuebl, mobi. This book is a loving guide on your way to heart centered living. I see the insecurity and the fear that you are experiencing in this. This ebook contains channelings which have been received during workshops i offered in egypt from 2017 onward.
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